2024-03-02 18:37:08 +13:00

111 lines
4.7 KiB

const details = () => ({
id: 'Tdarr_Plugin_0000_FFMPEG_SVT_AV1_Custom',
Stage: 'Pre-processing',
Name: 'FFMPEG SVT AV1 Custom',
Type: 'Video',
Operation: 'Transcode',
'[Contains built-in filter] This plugin transcodes non AV1 files into AV1 mkv using ffmpeg and svt-av1. Basic customization options have been provided. Generic HDR Passthrough is also included by default (may not work on all HDR videos). Audio/subtitles not affected. \n\n',
Version: '1.2',
Tags: 'pre-processing,ffmpeg,av1,video only',
Inputs: [
name: 'qp',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '18',
inputUI: {
type: 'dropdown',
options: ['0', '4', '8', '12', '14', '16', '18', '20', '22', '24', '26', '28', '30', '34', '38', '42', '50'],
tooltip: 'Encoding Quality (higher decreases the file size at the expense of quality)',
name: 'preset',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '10',
inputUI: {
type: 'dropdown',
options: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13'],
tooltip: 'Presets control how many efficiency features are used during the encoding process, and the intensity with which those features are used. Lower presets use more features and produce a more efficient file (smaller file, for a given visual quality). However, lower presets also require more compute time during the encode process. If a file is to be widely distributed, it can be worth it to use very low presets, while high presets allow fast encoding, such as for real-time applications. Generally speaking, presets 1-3 represent extremely high efficiency, for use when encode time is not important and quality/size of the resulting video file is critical. Presets 4-6 are commonly used by home enthusiasts as they represent a balance of efficiency and reasonable compute time. Presets between 7 and 12 are used for fast and real-time encoding. Preset 13 is even faster but not intended for direct human consumption--it can be used, for example, as a per-scene quality metric in VOD applications. One should use the lowest preset that is tolerable.',
name: 'tile-rows',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '4',
inputUI: {
type: 'dropdown',
options: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '8'],
tooltip: 'Number of tile rows',
name: 'tile-columns',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '2',
inputUI: {
type: 'dropdown',
options: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '8'],
tooltip: 'Number of tile columns',
name: 'bit-depth',
type: 'string',
defaultValue: '8',
inputUI: {
type: 'dropdown',
options: ['8', '10'],
tooltip: 'Bit depth of the output video',
const plugin = async (file, librarySettings, inputs, otherArguments) => {
const lib = require('../methods/lib')();
inputs = lib.loadDefaultValues(inputs, details);
const { qp, preset, 'tile-rows': tileRows, 'tile-columns': tileColumns, 'bit-depth': bitDepth } = inputs;
const response = {
processFile: false,
preset: '',
container: '.mkv',
handBrakeMode: false,
FFmpegMode: false,
reQueueAfter: false,
infoLog: '',
if (file.fileMedium !== 'video') {
response.processFile = false;
response.infoLog += '☒File is not a video! \n';
return response;
response.infoLog += '☑File is a video! \n';
if (file.ffProbeData.streams[0].codec_name === 'av1') {
response.processFile = false;
response.infoLog += '☑File is already in AV1! \n';
return response;
response.processFile = true;
response.preset = `,-map 0:v -map 0:a -map 0:s? -map 0:d? -c copy -c:v:0 libsvtav1 -qp ${qp} -preset ${preset} \
-tile_rows ${tileRows} -tile_columns ${tileColumns} -svtav1-params fast-decode=1:rc=0:aq-mode=2:undershoot-pct=100:overshoot-pct=0:enable-qm=1:bias-pct=100:film-grain=20:irefresh-type=2:enable-overlays=1:scd=1:scm=0:keyint=300:color-range=1:lookahead=-1:tune=0:input-depth=${bitDepth} \
-metadata:s:v:0 "chroma_location=topleft:color_primaries=bt2020:transfer_characteristics=smpte2084:color_trc=bt2020:colorspace=bt2020nc" \
-metadata:s:v:0 "master_display=G(13250,34500)B(7500,3000)R(34000,16000)WP(15635,16450)L(40000000,50)" \
-metadata:s:v:0 "max_cll=1600,300" \
-pix_fmt yuv420p${bitDepth === '8' ? '' : `${bitDepth}le`} -max_muxing_queue_size 9999`;
response.container = '.mkv';
response.handBrakeMode = false;
response.FFmpegMode = true;
response.reQueueAfter = true;
response.infoLog += '☒File is not AV1! \n';
return response;
module.exports.details = details;
module.exports.plugin = plugin;